Children in Kindergarten – 5th Grade

SAVE THE DATE: Wonder Junction — June 9-13, 2025!

Time: 8:30 am – 12:00 noon.

Howdy, partners! Welcome to Wonder Junction! There’s no greater joy than to praise the name of the Lord all day long. But how can your kids do that if they don’t know who Jesus is or what he’s done for them?

Here at Wonder Junction, we marvel at Jesus and live for his glory.

Stay tuned for registration details.

VBS kids read real Bible stories about real people to learn real-life lessons from Scripture. From the opening to the closing, every aspect of VBS is designed to help them better understand the Bible and grow in their faith.

VBS Registration

Registration for Vacation Bible School  will open April 21, 2025 .

VBS Payment

Fee: $65 per child
We provide snack, craft supplies, and a t-shirt.

To make your VBS payment, Please click here. You’ll be taken to the Vanco Payment Page.


VBS Adult Volunteer


Our Adult volunteers are vital to the success of Vacation Bible School.
Thanks for considering the opportunity to volunteer this year.

 Registration Form

VBS Adult Registration

VBS Teens Volunteer


All Youth Volunteers must be entering the 9th through the 12th grade
and have a heart-felt desire to care for younger children.
Thank you for being willing to help out in this vital role.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the
kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.


VBS Teen Volunteer