Request a Mass Intention

When requesting a Mass Intention, the person making the request is called “The Donor” and the reason for the request the “Intention.” Therefore, the mass intention does not have a cost, the donor gives freely a donation in gratitude for the graces received. At St. Catherine of Siena the customary donation is $15.00 however the final amount is decided by the donor. You can make your donation through the parish office during office hours after the date for the Mass Intention was confirmed by Ana Genao (Parish Secretary.)

Mass Intention Request

Donor's Name(Required)
Who is requesting the intention? This will also be the person we contact to confirm the date and time.
Reason of the Mass Intention(Required)
For instance, it can be the name of Deceased person, an anniversary or birthday.
Language Preferred(Required)
If you have a preferred date, please let us know. Keep in mind that we only allow two intentions per mass, and masses are assigned on First Come First Serve Basis.
MM slash DD slash YYYY