Juan Penilla

Parish Maintenance


Because God is not unjust enough to forget about the works and the love that, for his glory, you have shown by serving the saints, as you continue to do.

Hebrews 6:10
My Mission is the maintenance of the Parish campus, working with joy, materially and spiritually, so that the parishioners find a pleasant place to come and worship the Lord.

I joined the parish staff recently, and I am very glad to work for St Catherine of Siena because it means working for God and being around the things of God day to day. Ever since my conversion (I have always been Catholic but not really much into the faith until I had my experience of God.) I love serving God and what better way than to work for the church.

I am in charge of the maintenance of the parish buildings and areas, cleaning, fixing, and making sure with the multiple volunteers of Saint Catherine of Siena to provide a pleasant place for parishioners to receive the Holy Eucharist and adoration to the Lord.

If you have any ideas for the maintenance of the parish campus, or if you see something that needs repair or attention, please let me know.

You can contact me by phone, email or simply you can send me a message filling out the information below. Thank you!

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